Friday, August 26, 2011

So this is a blog about writing and all the fun and interesting things you get to do and imagine. Yeah, its also filled with more hazards than a golf course and if you want to write for any period of time and have folks read it, I gotta say you should also come equipped with some pretty big shoulders too.

I've always wanted to be a writer (except for the briefest of stints when I took science in 1st year University and failed miserably). From the first book I wrote in grade 4 (which had a horrific and gruesome ending) to getting very close to publishing a novel online with Kindle, the desire to create, live in an imaginary world and write has never died.

This is just the beginning. In a couple of weeks I'll have some news, notes and comments on The Atlantic Film festival which will be rolling out in Halifax in September. I hope to meet some other great writers, producers and will catch some excellent films along the way.

So stay tuned for more and get a little glimpse on being me.


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