Tuesday, August 30, 2011

I hope all those that were in the path of Irene came out of it with little to no damage. We here in Nova Scotia escaped the worst of it, but we know how devastating such a storm can be. So here's to all of you who were affected by the storm.

So I go from the very serious impact of Irene to something that impacted me a few weeks ago. Not so much to do with writing, but it has a direct correlation to creative rights. In a world that has become so concerned with representing the minority, there are times when we may take it one step too far. And I think that step was when certain groups cried out for the immortal and lovable Bert and Ernie to get married.

I'm not trying to spout my ignorance on gay rights, I applaud the gay marriage laws and I certainly believe in the right to freedom of expression, but to make these two characters of Sesame Street fame marry, was troubling. I remember being a kid and watching ole Bert and Ernie sharing the same bedroom but occupying separate beds and I still remember thinking that they were brothers. And that's all they ever were to me and probably to many of you. Just two brothers who taught us how to spell, count and catch fish simply by saying "heeeereeee fishy, fishy, fishy".

Our adult world, ideals and misunderstandings of the simple ideas of a child have drifted a long way from us. It began with some adults wanting to change the name of the show to Sesame Park because they felt the term street was encouraging our kids to play in the street. Then they made cookie monster say that his namesake was only a sometimes treat. Why can't we leave some of these things untouched, remove our adult hands from dirtying up the simplicity of it all.

So I commend the creators and the writers of the show to stick to their guns and not have Bert and Ernie marry. Let cookie monster eat his cookies all day and to all of us that grew up with Grover, the Count, Oscar, Big Bird and the whole crew, may it always remain Sesame Street!


Friday, August 26, 2011

So this is a blog about writing and all the fun and interesting things you get to do and imagine. Yeah, its also filled with more hazards than a golf course and if you want to write for any period of time and have folks read it, I gotta say you should also come equipped with some pretty big shoulders too.

I've always wanted to be a writer (except for the briefest of stints when I took science in 1st year University and failed miserably). From the first book I wrote in grade 4 (which had a horrific and gruesome ending) to getting very close to publishing a novel online with Kindle, the desire to create, live in an imaginary world and write has never died.

This is just the beginning. In a couple of weeks I'll have some news, notes and comments on The Atlantic Film festival which will be rolling out in Halifax in September. I hope to meet some other great writers, producers and will catch some excellent films along the way.

So stay tuned for more and get a little glimpse on being me.