Thursday, December 1, 2011

It's been a while since I've posted here and normally that would just be laziness or not taking the necessary time. But the reason I have been an absentee blog is because I have done major revisions on my novel. It was a convoluted story that needed a serious hair cut. And now that the major revisions have been done I I hope to have everything wrapped up and ready to publish in a month or so.

I have decided I'm going to publish with Kindle. I've been torn through this whole process, because there is nothing like holding a good book in your hand on the couch, in front of a fire, but it's not an easy task to get published in print even if you have a good product and dedicate most of your time to writing. Like movies these days, publishers want to print something that will guarantee them money at the end of the day; they are a business.

Kindle is both a blessing and a curse. On one end of the spectrum it gives writers like myself a chance to publish the work or works that have kept them couped up in the house for months or even more. On the other hand it lets every Joe blow (or Josephine blow) who throws a couple of pages down one afternoon think they are the next Stephen King.

But we as writers can't have it both ways. You can either put up with a few hacks to make sure that your product sees the light of day or bury that manuscript you've been working so hard on in your top drawer and mention it to friends in passing.

Writing is a great way to deal with inner demons or placate your overactive mind, but really at the end of the day isn't it the purpose for people to read what you have written? I am going with the latter.